About us

  • Leadership

    Leaders are responsible for the direction and success of their organizations, and leaders drive change.

    How can leaders best prepare for and lead their organizations’ transformations, optimizing emerging technology, aligning organizational values, mission, and business strategy?

  • AI

    While AI holds great promise for healthcare, education, government, as well as the military and even the environment, it has its limitations and risks, and a clear-eyed approach to understanding and mitigating these risks will be essential.

    Before organizations incorporate AI tools, they must clearly define the purpose, plan and resource the governance, and build processes for continuous improvement and risk management.

  • Digital Transformation

    It is not enough to purchase the latest digital tool or hire data scientists. Organizations must plan, prepare, resource, and execute a digital transformation.

    Successful digital transformation is a whole-of-enterprise effort and includes the technology, the people, the strategy, and the culture. How should organizations begin this transformation?